A training session, where players can take either a semi private lessons from a coach or practice skills individually to improve their skating, shooting, and puck handling.
Sticktime sESSIONS:
monday - Thursday | - 12:30pm - 2:00pm *open to all ages/public*
sATURDAY | - 6:30pm - 7:30pm *open to all ages/public*
*All players must be accompanied with a coach for a lesson on stick times that require a coach*
*Extra charges are paid directly to a coach for the lesson – coaching fees vary.*
Single Session - $20
Valid for 1 Stick time Session. You must check in at the Box Office. Every player must get a wristband to get on the ice.
10 Pass Punch Card - $180
Valid for 10 Stick Time Sessions. ($18 per session). You must check in at the Box Office with your card. Every player needs a wristband to get on the ice.
Punch cards can be used at Stick time sessions at AVIP. Punch cards are non-refundable and non-replaceable.
20 Pass Punch Card - $320
Valid for 20 stick time Sessions. ($16 per session). You must check in at the Box Office with your card. Every player needs a wristband to get on the ice.
Punch cards can be used at stick time sessions are AVIP. Punch cards at non-refundable and non-replaceable.
Updated 3/10/25